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Longevity for Sustainability

Regular outage completed – the power plant provides electrical energy again.

On Thursday, 2 May 2024, the NEK’s electrical generator was reconnected to the power grid. This was made possible by the diligent work and collaboration of NEK employees and our business partners from the local and international environment. We are now in the process of gradually increasing the plant power to comply with the procedures. During the regular outage, which started on 1 April, we performed refueling and planned maintenance work, surveillance tests, and upgrades. The high-quality outage work is a testament to our shared commitment to the reliable operation of the power plant. This year's production plan is 5.4 billion kilowatt hours of electrical energy.

In the reactor's core, 53 of the 121 fuel elements were replaced with fresh ones, thus providing energy for the plant operation until the next outage, which will occur in the fall of 2025. We carried out planned maintenance work, checked the material integrity of equipment and structures, and carried out hundreds of surveillance tests, which confirmed the adequacy of the functioning of components and systems. Even in the extended operating life, we continue the policy of continuous technological improvements. The upgrades during the outage will increase nuclear safety and the plant's availability and capacity.


Merry Christmas! May the year 2025 be successful and full of the right energy!


In half a century after the laying of the foundation stone, more than 220 billion kilowatt hours of electrical energy


Raport on Krsko NPP operation in june 2024
