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Longevity for Sustainability

Annual Report 2021: Upgrades – about 1000 have already been carried out – increase operational reliability and electrical energy production.

The annual report for 2021 has been published, in which we present various aspects of NEK's operation: production, maintenance and modernization of systems, care for the environment and waste management, and international cooperation and training of employees. The report is here. In 2021, NPP produced 5.42 terawatt hours (TWh) of electrical energy which is more than the planned 5.33 TWh. We are especially proud of exceeding the goals because of the pandemic which significantly paralysed the economy and logistical infrastructure globally.

The results achieved confirm we are successfully facing current challenges of the modern world. Our goals remain maintaining high operational efficiency which can be provided only by expert and dedicated work of competent plant’s staff and its contracting partners.

Low production cost of electrical energy from NPP is a contribution in conditions of sudden energy price increase towards competitive economy and household access to this good, while its low carbon is a contribution towards commitments to move to environmental neutrality. The provision of conditions for long-term plant operation is one of our main challenges.

In NPP which is technically able to operate at least until 2043, we had completed the extensive Safety Upgrade Program which realised a number of improvements and installation of additional response systems to extreme and very unlikely external occurrences and introduced passive solutions. The construction of spent fuel dry storage facility is still ongoing. We plan to complete the building by the end of 2022 and the first 592 fuel elements to be moved from the spent fuel pool into dry storage is planned in the first half of the next year.

In accordance with Slovenian laws and the guidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency we must conduct the third periodic safety review in 2023 which is to be confirmed by the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration. The assessment of environmental effects to obtain the environmental permit for extending the operation is also ongoing and it includes cross-border assessment in accordance with the decision of the Slovenian Environmental Agency (ARSO).

The report is here.


Merry Christmas! May the year 2025 be successful and full of the right energy!


In half a century after the laying of the foundation stone, more than 220 billion kilowatt hours of electrical energy


Raport on Krsko NPP operation in june 2024
