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Longevity for Sustainability

Commencement of Corrective Works to Eliminate the Deviation

After the transfer of all 121 fuel elements from the reactor vessel to the Spent Fuel Pool, the conditions were established in the containment at the Krško plant at the end of the week for detailed inspections of the connection system pipeline of the primary circuit and the start of corrective works – removal of parts of the existing pipelines and replacement with new ones.

As we reported, in cooperation with domestic and international institutions, a conservative decision was made to replace parts of the pipeline on both system lines. In compliance with the practice of the nuclear industry, the system has two redundant lines, which means that one is enough to ensure the system’s functionality.

Westinghouse, the original equipment supplier, with the support of the domestic industry, began to remove parts of the existing pipelines after conducting analyses. At the same time, new pipeline parts are being prepared for replacement. For the high-quality preparation of specialized welders a model was created for the training, which in terms of size and layout corresponds to the space next to the reactor vessel in the containment where the work will take place.


Merry Christmas! May the year 2025 be successful and full of the right energy!


In half a century after the laying of the foundation stone, more than 220 billion kilowatt hours of electrical energy


Raport on Krsko NPP operation in june 2024
